Team Roster Substitution Guidelines- Form Available

Team Roster Substitution Guidelines- Form Available

New in 2019, our league will allow teams to make adjustments to their roster after the Mid-Season Classic roster submission deadline. The breakdown of the criteria is listed below and in Section 5 of the St. Thomas Slo-Pitch Coed League Rules. This rule is meant to help teams maintain an adequate roster when unforeseeable circumstances arise. These circumstances include significant injury or pregnancy. These substitutions are not meant to accommodate for player absence related to vacation or other circumstances not outlined in Section 5.

The required forms can be found in the Forms section on our website.

For further clarification, please contact a member of the League Executive.

Section 5: Team Roster Injury Substitution

a. As per Rule 4 Section C, all Rosters must be submitted to the League President prior to the start of the Mid-Season Classic Tournament.

b. After the completion of the Mid-Season Classic Tournament, teams can make three (3) roster substitutions under the circumstances listed in section 5c.

c. If a roster player becomes injured or pregnant and is unable to continue the season, a substitution can be made.

d. The roster player that is unable to continue the season can be removed and replaced with a new player.

e. The new player cannot have appeared on the roster of any other Coed League team(s) after the Mid-Season Classic.

f. The Team Rep wishing to make the substitution must complete and submit the Injury Transfer form and an updated Roster. The Transfer and Roster forms can be found in the Forms section.

g. The required documents listed in 5f must be submitted to the League President a minimum of 48-hours before the team’s next game for the affected player to be eligible to play.

h. The League Exec will review the transfer form and contact the parties involved.

i. The player is ineligible to play until the transfer has been approved by the League Executive.

j. If the player plays prior to Exec approval, any and all games involving that player will be considered a forfeit. Forfeit Fees will apply.

k. The Executive may request supporting documentation in addition to the required League forms.

l. The Executive reserves the right to deny a transfer if the required criteria is not met.

m. If the Executive deems that the requested transfer is not valid and attempted not in good faith, the Team Rep will receive a 1-game suspension.

n. Both players involved in the transfer will be removed from the roster and deemed ineligible to play for the remainder of the season.

o. Teams can complete up to 3 Transfers, but no more than two (2) in a calendar week.

p. The transfer must be a player for player swap and cannot be an addition to an unfilled roster spot.

q. The replaced player is ineligible to play for the remainder of the season and cannot be apart of a later substitution.

r. The Executive reserves the right to evaluate each requested transfer on a case by case basis.


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