** All SPN Rules and regulations are adopted with the following additions and/or revisions**
If you have any additional questions, please use the Contact page or Executive page to message a member of the Executive or speak to an Executive member in person for further clarification.
1. Team Definition Criteria | In the event of a conflict between two groups regarding ownership of a team name/identity and any related matters, the following criteria will be used to determine who has the rights to the team name. The Team Identity will be awarded (in order of significance) to the group that meets the following criteria. a. Both returning Teams Reps from the previous season on their roster. b. The only returning Team Rep from the previous season on their roster. c. A returning Team Rep from an earlier season on their roster. d. If each group has 1 returning Team Rep from the previous season on their roster or neither team as a returning Team Rep, whichever team has more returning roster members from the previous season will be awarded the team identity. e. In the event of a conflict, the Team(s) could be asked to obtain a letter of permission from the previous team reps to continue the use of the Team Identity in question. f. The Executive reserves the right to deal with each scenario on a case by case basis and act in the best interest of the league. g. The Executive reserves the right to determine that neither team be awarded the continuation of a Team Identity. h. In the event of continued issues detrimental to the league/teams/players, the Executive reserves the right to deny a team's continuation of the use of a Team Identity for the following the season. i. The Executive reserves the right to deny the use of a Team Name and/or Logo if deemed offensive/ inappropriate. We are not responsible for the printing of jerseys and other material related to your team name. If you are unsure if your team name is suitable, please contact a member of the Executive. j. If a Business/Organization offers sponsorship and use of their name that has previously been used in the league, a variation in the name is required if no connection exists between 2 versions of the team. Ex. Boston Pizza Pirates and Boston Pizza Bashers. k. An incoming team can be denied the use of a Team Identity if it is deemed too similar to a current team already playing in the league. l. Two new teams joining the league that submit similar or identical names could be asked to alter their name or come to an agreement that creates distinguishable Team Names for both sides. |
2. Team Eligibility | a. All teams must pay a $500 deposit ($250 non-refundable) at the first league meeting in February. b. All teams must submit a roster to the League at the first league meeting- with a minimum of 10 players. c. Any team that has not paid in full at or before the second league meeting will not be included in the schedule. d. If a Team decides to withdraw from the league after the 2nd pre-season meeting, 100% of their registration fee is forfeited and will be absorbed by the league. e. If they have not paid their full League Fee by the conclusion of the 2nd meeting, their entire $500 deposit will be forfeited and absorbed by the league. |
3. Player Eligibility | a. All players must be 16 years-of-age prior to their first official league game. The player's 16th birthday must have passed by a day prior to the player stepping on the field for their first game. b. The player must be on the teams most recent roster and the parents of the player must have completed and submitted the appropriate forms to the League Executive prior to their first game. c. All players must be on the most recent official team roster uploaded to the League website. d. All players must be SPN registered for insurance (SPN/SPO) with their wavier signed before participating in any game. e. All players must carry valid picture I.D. in the event of a roster challenge or random Executive roster check. |
4. Team Rosters | a. All Teams must submit a roster online to the Executive at the first league meeting (with a minimum of 10 players, 5 of which must be female) b. A Team Roster consists of a maximum of 30 players, and a minimum of 5 female players. c. Rosters must be uploaded online on the STSPA website in order to be considered official. d. Final Rosters must be uploaded to the League website prior to the start of the first day of the Mid-Season Classic Tournament. e. A player can only appear on one (1) roster during the regular season. f. A player can switch teams prior to the Mid-Season Classic tournament, but an updated roster must be submitted to reflect the change prior to the player taking the field with their new team. g. Prior to the Mid-Season Classic Tournament, a newly updated roster must be uploaded to the League Website prior to a new player taking the field for their first game. h. The Executive reserves the right to limit the movement of a player(s) prior to the Mid-Season Classic Tournament. Abuse of the system will result in the potential removal from both rosters and a potential suspension for the remainder of the season for the offending player. i. Teams are responsible for ensuring their current and final rosters are on file with the league via website upload. |
Illegal Players | a. A challenge of an illegal player can be brought forth by a gameday opponent or a member of the Executive Committee. b. The Challenging team must pay $25 and challenge a specific player. If the challenge is successful, the $25 is returned. If the challenge fails, the League will absorb the $25 fee. c. First Offense and Prior to the Roster Lock: if a team is deemed to have an illegal player prior to the MSC and it is their first time being challenged the team will receive a warning. The player will not be eligible to play if the challenge is brought before the game. If challenged during the game, the player will be removed and is an automatic out. d. 2nd Offense: if a team is successfully challenged and deemed to have used an illegal player in a game, the game will be ruled a forfeit. The $75 forfeit fee will be absorbed and the forfeit will count towards the overall total of 3 forfeits within a season. e. Any Offense after the Roster Lock: upon conclusion of a game, if a team is successfully challenged and deemed to have used an illegal player in a game, the game will be ruled a forfeit. The $75 forfeit fee will be absorbed and the forfeit will count towards the overall total of 3 forfeits within a season. f. If a team challenges a player prior to the start of the game, the player will not be permitted to participate in the game. The game will proceed as planned if the offending team has enough players to play. g. Once the first pitch is thrown and prior to the final out, if a player is successfully challenged during a game the player will be removed from the game and be recorded as an automatic out for the rest of the game. The offending team will not be allowed to substitute a player from their roster into the illegal players spot for the duration of the game. |
Borrowing a Player | a. A Team may borrow a player during Regular Season Play ONLY. Teams are not permitted to borrow a player in tournament play. b. A Team may borrow a player from another team in their Division only. c. A Team may borrow a maximum of two (2) players for a particular game. d. When borrowing a player(s) a team may only have a maximum of nine (9) players in their lineup total (including the borrowed players). e. The borrowed player(s) must be identified to the Opponent's team Rep at Ground rules. f. Asterisk must be used to denote the player names on the lineup sheet. g. Opposing Team Reps must be asked to initial the lineup sheet next to each borrowed player's name. h. A Picture of the game sheet, including initials, must be sent by the borrowing team to the either the Treasurer (Melanie Power) or League Liaison (Fred Sinclair) prior to, during, or directly after the game. i. A team is only permitted to borrow a player(s) for a maximum of three (3) games during the regular season. h. If any of these rules/ requirements are not followed, a challenge will be initiated and the scenario will be treated as if using an illegal player. Forfeit Fees will apply. |
5. Team Roster Substitution | a. As per Rule 4, all Rosters must be submitted to the League Website prior to the start of the Mid-Season Classic Tournament. b. After the completion of the Mid-Season Classic Tournament, a team can make three (3) roster substitutions under the circumstances listed in section 5c. c. If a roster player becomes injured, ill, pregnant, or has an unexpected circumstance that renders them unable to continue the season, a substitution can be made. d. The Team Rep wishing to make the substitution must contact a member of the Executive to make them aware of the circumstance. The Executive will determine if the roster substitution is valid. e. If determined to be a valid reason, the roster player that is unable to continue the season can be removed and replaced with a new player. f. The Team Rep wishing to make the substitution must submit an updated roster prior to the player taking the field. g. The Team Rep must also submit via e-transfer a $25 player substitution fee prior to the player taking the field. h. The player is ineligible to play until the transfer has been approved by the League Executive, a roster submitted, and the fee paid. i. If the player plays prior to Exec approval, a Roster update, and $25 fee payment all games involving that player will be considered a forfeit. Forfeit Fees will apply. j. The Executive reserves the right to deny a transfer if the required criteria is not met. k. The transfer must be a player for player swap and cannot be an addition to an unfilled roster spot. l. The replaced player is ineligible to play for the remainder of the season and cannot be apart of a later substitution. m. The Executive reserves the right to evaluate each requested transfer on a case by case basis. |
6. Challenges/ Protests | a. Any and all protests concerning rosters, unresolved score discrepancies, players eligibility or conduct of players, coaches, umpires or league executive must be made in writing and submitted within 48 hours of the incident. b. A $25 fee must accompany the written protest, which is refundable only if the protest is upheld. c. During tournament play, protest must be submitted during or immediately following the game. d. An upheld protest may result in overturning game result (forfeiture), fines, suspension(s), warning(s), or other disciplinary action. e. Illegal Player Challenge during Tournament play: e i) During Tournament play a team challenging an illegal player must pay $25 prior to the challenge being ruled official. e ii) A successful player challenge during or immediately after the game will result in a forfeit by the offending team. e iii) In Round Robin play, the result will be recorded a loss. e iv) In an Elimination Game, the offending team will forfeit the game in which the illegal player participated and their opponent will advance to the next round in their place. e v) If successful, the challenging team will be refunded their $25 fee. f. Protests involving umpire judgment calls (ball/strike, safe/out) will not be accepted or considered. g. Protests of rule interpretation will be considered but may not result in the overturning of the game result. h. A designated League Executive member and at least one other executive member will consider all protests. i. Any protest involving a league executive member's team will be considered by the remaining executive members, excluding the effected member. j. All protest rulings are final and will NOT be subject to appeal. |
7. Games | a. All games are a maximum 7 innings, unless tied and time remaining. b. All games are a SCHEDULED 1 hour and 30 minutes (90 minutes) in length. c. NO NEW INNINGS WILL BEGIN AFTER 1 hour and 20 minutes (80 minutes). d. Both teams must supply a suitable ball of the correct type to the umpire before the game. e. A team shall be declared the winner if they are 12 or more runs ahead of the opposition after five or six innings if the visiting team, or after four and one half, five and one half or six and one-half innings, if the home team. f. A team may voluntarily withdraw from the game if they are losing by 15 or more runs any time after 3 innings (2 1/2 innings if home team) or after any complete inning, after the time limit has expired. g. There will be a 6 run max per inning until the final inning which shall be unlimited runs. h. If a team is facing a mercy scenario; down by 12 runs or more heading into the 5th or 6th inning, but the inning has not been declared the last inning (due to time). The team trailing is allowed to score the minimum number of runs required to get out of the mercy scenario, regardless of the 6 run max per inning. Ex. If a team is down 20-2, the team can score 7 runs in an inning (no more) to pull out of the Mercy scenario by a score of 20-9. The inning will stop once they have hit the minimum runs required to avoid the mercy. i. Games with a tied score after seven (7) complete innings or any completed inning after the time limit will remain a tie, with one point being awarded to each team. j. If the time limit permits, extra innings can be played to try and break the tie within the normal time limit requirements. k. All extra innings will begin with the last male batter from the previous inning starting on 2nd base. l. Two (2) points will be awarded for each win. m. All WINNING TEAMS must report their score, in the appropriate Score Reporting Page on the League Website by 5:00pm of the Tuesday following the game. n. Scores not reported will be recorded in statistics as a 1-1 tie. |
8A. Divisions 3-8 Batting Order/ Lineup | Rules for Divisions 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 a. Teams must have a minimum three (3) female players in the batting order and on the field at all times. b. Teams must have a minimum of three (3) male players in the batting order. A maximum of five (5) males may be on the field at any time. c. There is NO maximum number for females on the field. d. Teams must alternate male/female or female/male in the batting line up at all times. e. There may be an uneven number of males and females in the lineup. f. If a team must begin the game with less than ten (10) players, they may add players, at any time during the game. g. If a game is started with ten (10) or more players, they may add players, at any time during the game. h. If a player is injured and has to leave the game, the rest of the batting order may move up, and it will not result in an out (unless the player has been ejected from the game). i. Teams must still alternate male/female batting. If the team does not have a minimum of eight (8) players or a minimum of three (3) female players, then the team must forfeit. j. The maximum number of players in the batting order is thirty (30). k. A team can NEVER put more than five (5) male players in the field under any circumstance. l. A team must forfeit their game if: i) they have less than 8 total players. ii) they have less than 3 female players. iii) the have less than 3 male players. |
8B. Division 1 & 2 Batting Order/ Lineup | Rules for Division 1 & 2 a. Teams must have a minimum three (3) female players in the batting order and on the field at all times. b. Teams must have a minimum of three (3) male players in the batting order. A maximum of six (6) males may be on the field at any time. c. There is NO maximum number for females on the field. d. Teams must alternate male/female or female/male in the batting line up at all times. e. There may be an uneven number of males and females in the lineup. f. If a team must begin the game with less than ten (10) players, they may add players, at any time during the game. g. If a game is started with ten (10) or more players, they may add players, at any time during the game. h. If a player is injured and has to leave the game, the rest of the batting order may move up, and it will not result in an out (unless the player has been ejected from the game). i. Teams must still alternate male/female batting. If the team does not have a minimum of eight (8) players or a minimum of three (3) female players, then the team must forfeit. j. The maximum number of players in the batting order is thirty (30). k. A team can NEVER put more than six (6) male players in the field under any circumstance. l. A team must forfeit their game if: i) they have less than 8 total players. ii) they have less than 3 female players. iii) the have less than 3 male players. m. When playing 6-4, there are no restriction on player positions in the field. A team can play their players, regardless of gender, in any position at any time. |
9. 175-Foot Line | a. A defensive line consisting of an arc 175 feet from home plate will be added to the outfield. b. No outfielder (minimum of four when playing with 10 players) is allowed in front of this line until the ball is hit. c. Penalty: The Offense has the choice of taking the result of the play or an award of one base to the batter and all other runners. d. All infielders must be on the gravel/infield area prior to the ball being hit. e. Penalty: The Offense has the choice of taking the result of the play or an award of one base to the batter and all other runners. f. In either scenario (b) or (d), the Umpire will make the call following the completion of the play. g. When playing with 8 or 9 players, before the ball is hit, a player needs to decide if they are an outfielder or infielder. They then need to stay in that position until the next batter. |
10. Forfeits | a. Teams must have a minimum of eight (8) players, which includes a minimum three (3) female players and a minimum of three (3) male players present to play a game without forfeiture. b. Teams may not start or continue a game with less than three (3) female players, less than three (3) male players, or less than eight (8) players total. c. Any team that is not able to start a game due to a lack of players will be required to forfeit the game. d. Forfeit Fees and Penalties will be applied under the following scenarios: 1st Forfeit- The offending team's $75 Prepaid Forfeit Fee will be absorbed by the league. The offending team must replace their $75 prepaid forfeit fee to the league prior to taking the field for their next game. Failure to do so will result in additional forfeit fees. 2nd Forfeit- The offending team's 2nd $75 Prepaid Forfeit Fee will be absorbed by the league. The offending team must repay a $100 prepaid forfeit fee to the league prior to taking the field for their next game. Failure to do so will result in additional forfeit fees. (see Section 11 : Fines and Fine Deposits for payment deadline)* 3rd Forfeit- The offending team's $100 Forfeit Fee will be absorbed by the league. The League Executive will rule on what further actions will be taken on a case-by-case scenario. (see Section 11: Fines and Fine Deposits for payment deadline) *If a team only forfeits twice during the season, their prepaid $100 forfeit fee will be rolled over to the following season. $25 will be absorbed by the league as a Penalty and the remaining $75 will count as the prepaid Forfeit fee for that season. e. Additional Penalties: Upon reaching 3+ forfeits in a season, a teams particpation in future seasons will be evaluated and deliberated upon by the Executive. The Executive will consider various factors including payment of fines and team behaviour. Each case will be evaluated on in a case by case format. *If a Team and/or Team reps do not pay the above-listed Forfeit Fee(s), the team reps will not be allowed to return to the league. The team name, logo, and jerseys will not be eligible for use in the St. Thomas Coed Slo-Pitch League. The Executive reserves the right to review and rule on these scenarios on a case-by-case basis f. Fee(s) must be paid to an Executive member prior to the start of your next game or your next game will be cancelled & considered a Forfeit- Additional Fees will apply. g. A team that fails to attend the Mid-Season Classic or City Championship Tournament will be subjected to a penalty that is the equivalent of two (2) forfeited games. The resulting fine will equal $150 (if forfeits #1 & #2) or $175 (if forfeits #2 & #3) that must be paid prior to the team taking the field during the current season or a future season if forfeit the City Championship. h. Prize Money: Three (3) forfeits during a season will result in a team being deemed ineligible to receive prize money awarded for regular season performance (1st, 2nd, or 3rd). A single forfeited game during the Round Robin portion of the tournament will NOT result in a team becoming ineligible to receive prize money. Multiple (2+) forfeited games during the Round Robin portion of the tournament or a single forfeit at any point during the Playoff Rounds will result in a team becoming intelligible to receive prize money. If a team is forced to forfeit while on the field due to an injury that occurred during the game or in the prior tournament game- the Executive will rule on the scenario independently. i. A game that is forfeited and then the time slot is rained out will remain a forfeit and not be rescheduled for a later date. j. A game that is forfeited for any reason will be recorded as 7-0 final score. If the game is forfeited during play due to an injury or ejection, the current score will stand as the final score, unless the forfeiting team is ahead. The score will then revert to 7-0. |
11. Fines and Fine Deposits | a. All teams will submit a $75 forfeit fee as part of their entry fee. b. All fines must be paid to an executive by 12:00pm on the following Saturday or the next game will be cancelled with additional fees and penalties. c. Any unpaid fines from a previous season must be paid or the Team Rep(s) will remain ineligible to participate in the League as a Team Rep or player. d. If unused, the $75 Forfeit Fee will remain with the League and be carried over on behalf of the team to the following season. e. If a team is NOT returning, a written request for the $75 forfeit fee must be submitted before the second meeting of the next season. The refund will be paid to the last team rep on file. Example- If a team plays in 2017 and does not plan to return for the 2018 season. They must provide a written request for their $75 refund prior to the second team rep meeting (March) in early 2018. f. Any uncollected fees will be absorbed by the league. |
12. Base Runners | a. “Safety bag” at first (1st) base – if not advancing beyond 1st base, runners must use the orange safety base and infielders must use the white base. Outfield hits may use white base. b. Sliding is allowed at second (2nd) base and third (3rd) base only. c. “Safe line at home – base runners must cross the line behind home plate (perpendicular to third base line) before the infielder with the ball touches the home plate mat. d. Runners touching the home plate mat are an automatic out. e. Commitment line twenty feet (20 ft.) from home plate. Once runners cross the commitment line they must go home. If runners cross back over to the third (3rd) base side of the commitment line they are an automatic out. f. Base runners may be tagged out anywhere on the base path including at home. g. Four (4) courtesy runners per team, per game are allowed. h. Teams can substitute a male for a male runner, a female for a female runner, or a female for a male runner. i. A courtesy runner must be in the lineup or on the roster and added to the lineup. j. Courtesy runner does not have to be last out. However, if the substituted runner comes to bat while they are on base, they must be re-substituted with another courtesy runner or they will be ruled an out at bat. |
13. Walk Rule | a. If a male batter walks on four (4) consecutive pitches (4 balls), he is awarded second (2nd) base and the female batting next will bat as normal. b. If one strike is called or the male player swings at any pitch (strike or foul ball strike) and then is walked, he is awarded first (1st) base only and the female batting next will bat as normal. |
14. Home Run Rule | a. These rules apply to ALL Divisions (1-8) in the league and at all diamonds. b. Each team can hit two (2) uncontested out-of-the-park home runs from the start of the game. c. After hitting two (2) out-of-the-park home runs, until the opposing team draws even in total out-of-the-park home runs hit (2-2), the first team that hit the two (2) home runs can not hit any additional home runs. d. After the two (2) out-of-the-park home runs have been hit, any additional home runs, when not even in total home runs or -1 will be recorded as a DOUBLE. Example 1: Team A- 2 HRs, Team B- 0 HRs, any HR hit by Team A is a Double, until Team B hits 2 home runs and draws even. Example 2: Team A- 2 HRs, Team B- 3 HRs, if Team A hits a home run it is counted as a home run, but if team B hits a home run (A-2 vs B-3) it is a Double. |
15. Throwing to First Base from the Outfield Rule | a. No batter (male or female) can be thrown out at first base by an outfielder on the batter's initial run to first base. b. If an outfielder attempts to throw out the batter on their initial trip to first base- the Umpire will stop the play (dead ball foul) and award the batter and all other base runners an additional base. Ex. The Batter will be awarded second base & a runner running from second to third will be awarded home. c. A batter can be thrown out running to first base if the balled is relayed from the outfield to an infielder first and then thrown. d. If the batter (after reaching first base) rounds first base towards second base, they are now live and can be thrown out at first. |
16. Umpires | a. A single umpire will be supplied, by the league, for each game at a cost of fourteen dollars ($17.50) per team. b. Any dispute involving an Umpire can be brought to the Executive, but the result of play or game will not be overturned. |
17. Uniforms and Equipment | a. No metal spikes are allowed. b. Teams are required to wear a team uniform that includes a team colour(s), name/ logo, and jersey number on the back. c. Offensive Team Names, Logos, or Team wear will not be permitted to be used in the league/ on the field. This includes swear words, intended swear words, and offensive imagery.Please check with the League Executive prior to ordering team clothing to avoid issues. d. Effort should be made to provide spares with a team jerseys or at the very least a shirt that matches the team colour. e. Teams should have their full set of jerseys on the field ASAP and realistically by the end of May (Week 2). Ordering delays can be an issue- please wear matching colours or old uniforms until your new set arrives. f. Bases, home plate mat and first (1st) base “safety” base are provided and will be set up for the league. g. All pitchers are required to wear a cage, mask, or cage/helmet combination when pitching. |
18. Scores and Standings | a. ALL GAMES must be reported on the appropriate Division Score reporting form by the WINNING TEAM by Tuesday at 5:00 pm. b. Scores not reported will be recorded in statistics as a 1-1 tie. c. Please complete the entire form as accurately as possible. d. A game that is Forfeited for any reason will be recorded as 7-0 final score. If the game is forfeited during play due to an injury or ejection, the current score will stand as the final score, unless the forfeiting team is ahead. The score will then revert to 7-0. e. Regular Season Standings will be used to determine the tournament rankings/groupings. f. In the event of an uneven amount of games played prior to the start of a tournament, Point Percentage will be used as the determining factor when ranking teams. g. During the season, standing order will be ranked based on the following criteria (in order): Point Percentage (%), Points (P), Wins (W), Losses (L), Run Differential (DIF). h. Upon completion of the season, standing order will be ranked based on the following criteria (in order): Point Percentage (%), Points (P), Wins (W), Losses (L), Head-to-head Record, & Run Differential (DIF). i. If all Tie-breaking scenarios are even, total Runs Scored will be used as the determining factor, followed by Total Runs Allowed. If those numbers remained tied, the combined total score of head to head play will be used to break the tie. |
19. Rain Outs | a. Team Reps will be made aware of Weather impacted games via the Rep chat and than the entire league will be notified via the Facebook page. b. The League Executive, in conjunction with the City of St. Thomas Parks and Recreation Department, will decide if the game(s) should be cancelled due to rainout or field conditions and will notify the teams and umpire in chief before game time. c. After a game has started, the umpire(s) can make a decision to cancel a game if unfavourable playing conditions exist. d. If your game is rained out, your division representative will contact you. If you have NOT received a message, GO TO YOUR GAME. The Umpire then has the decision whether to start/continue the game or not. e. If the first game(s) are rained out, not all games are automatically rained out. If you have NOT received a message, GO TO YOUR GAME. Games are considered separately for rainouts. f. The executive will reschedule rain out games whenever diamonds are available. g. Rescheduling rainouts will result in doubleheaders. h. If you are unable to field a team for the rescheduled game and do not notify your division representative in advance, then you will forfeit the game. Fines and fees apply. g. In the event a rain out is called while a game is in progress and less than five (5) innings are completed, the game will be rescheduled and restarted as a new game. h. If five (5) innings are completed, it is considered a complete game and the score will stand. (Regular Season Only) i. Tournament game will be completed when possible. |
20. Mid-Season Tournament | a. All league teams are eligible and required play in the Mid-Season Classic tournament. b. Teams may use players on their official league roster only. c. Teams must submit their final roster via email by the Friday before the tournament. d. Round Robin game time limits will be indicated prior to the event. e. These games do not count for the Regular Season standings or statistics. f. All game time limits will be established in advance of the event with the exception of the Semis & Final Games which will be played to a complete seven (7) innings per game g. Tournament results will be consider in correlation with Regular Season standings when teams are considered for promotion in the following season. |
21. City Championships Tournament | a. All league teams are eligible to play in the City Championship Tournament. b. Teams may use players on their official league roster only. c. Round Robin game time limits will be indicated prior to the event. d. These games do not count for the Regular Season standings or statistics. e. All game time limits will be established in advance of the event with the exception of the Semis & Final Games which will be played to a complete seven (7) innings per game f. Tournament results will be consider in correlation with Regular Season standings when teams are considered for promotion in the following season. |
22. Divisions | a. All teams will be placed in a division, based on their ability. b. Teams finishing in the top three (3) in their division standings or final tournament may be required to move up to a higher division for the following season. c. Teams finishing last in their division standings or final tournament may be required to move down to a lower division for the following season. d. Each division has a division representative on the league executive, and all questions and concerns must be directed to your division representative. e. The executive will consider all questions and concerns, and all decisions will be final. f. The Executive will discuss issues ONLY with the Team Representatives. |
23. Ejections | The St. Thomas & District Umpires Association (STDUA) will provide a framework for ejections and suspensions that the League Executive will support once in agreement with the STDUA policy. a. This league is considered to be recreational and teams should keep this in mind. b. Any intentional physical contact between a player or coach and another player, coach or spectator or intent to injure another player, coach or spectator will result in the offending player ejected from the game plus a two (2) game suspension and further at the discretion of the league executive. c. A subsequent offense will result in the player being suspended for the remainder of the season and removed from the league. d. Any player or coach involved in fighting, threatening, or abusing another player, coach, spectator or league executive member will be immediately suspended from the league for a minimum two (2) games and further at the discretion of the league executive. e. A subsequent offense will result in the player being suspended for the remainder of the season and removed from the league. f. Any intentional physical contact between a player or coach and an official (umpire) in any circumstance will result in the player receiving a minimum of a thirty-day suspension and further at the discretion of the league executive. g. A subsequent offense will result in the player being suspended for the remainder of the season and removed from the league. h. All other game ejections will be dealt with according to the following guidelines: 1) First (1st) ejection — player will be removed from the game plus potentially a further one-game suspension. 2) Second (2nd) ejection — player to be removed from the game and an automatic suspension until the league executive reviews the incident with their decision to be binding. Player may be suspended for the remainder of the season. 3) Third (3rd) ejection – player to be removed from the game with an automatic suspension for the remainder of the season and removed from the league. 4) Any player receiving a third (3rd) ejection may be declared ineligible for re- entry into the St. Thomas Coed Slo-Pitch League in subsequent seasons. i. Obviously intoxicated players, coaches or spectators will be ejected and must leave the game. j. If any player is ejected from a game, the player must be substituted with another eligible player of the same gender (male for male, female for female) from their official roster. k. If no substitute is available, that spot in the batting order becomes an automatic out. l. If no substitute is available and the team has less than eight (8) players, four (4) female players or three (3) male players, they must forfeit the remainder of the game. m. All ejected players, coaches or spectators must leave the ballpark and/or complex immediately. Refusal may result in forfeiture of the game to the non-offending team. n. Any suspended players or coaches may not be present in the ballpark and/or complex during league play. Police intervention will be used, if necessary. |
24. Vaping & Smoking | a. Vaping and Smoking is NOT permitted within the boundaries of the City facilities used by the league. Please move beyond the Facility boundaries if you wish to Vape or Smoke. b. The following measures will be taken if a member or representative of your team is directly witnessed by a member of the Executive or reported by an Umpire or City Staff member to be vaping or smoking within the boundaries of the facility. c. First Occurrence: The $75 Forfeit Fee paid by the team at the start of the year will be absorbed by the League and will need to be repaid prior to the team taking the field for their next game. ci. If it is not paid, the next game will be considered a forfeit and the Forfeit fee parameters will be triggered. d. Second Occurrence: Your 2nd $75 Forfeit Fee will be absorbed by the League and will need to be repaid prior to the team taking the field for their next game. Additionally, an active Team Rep (must be a Team Rep that also plays) will be suspended from your next team game. If no active Team Rep is available, a player will be selected by the Executive. e. Third Occurrence: The Executive Committee will make a decision on how to proceed on a case by case basis. |
25. League Executive Elections | a. All elections will be held at the conclusion of the of the season, in conjunction with the final league meeting. b. Results of these elections will stand for the following season. c. Elections will be held online via Google Form. d. All positions will be posted and made available at the end of each season. e. All league members of the league will have an opportunity to vote for each position. f. Executive Self-Nomination: if they wish to return to their position held during the previous season, Executive members are not required to receive nominations to be considered for the election. g. In order to be considered for a position, a non-Executive nominee must receive two (2) nominations from two (2) "Team Reps" from different teams from the previous season, not including their team from the previous or upcoming seasons. h. Out-Going Executive Nomination: If a member of the Executive from the previous season is opting to step down from their position, they have the option to nominate a candidate for their position. If this occurs, the nominee will be exempt from Rule G (listed above). i. A potential nominee must accept their nomination in order to be considered for the election. A nominee can decline the nomination in order to be removed from consideration. j. If there is only a single (one) nominee- they will be acclaimed and automatically awarded the position. k. After a set length of time, the nomination period will close, and the voting process will begin. l. During the voting period, no additional members will be allowed to join the Facebook group. m. All voters must be a member of the league, having occupied a spot on a team's final roster during the previous season. n. After a set length of time, the voting period will close, the votes counted, and a winner for each position announced. o. Once the Voting process for all positions is complete and the new Executive committee is finalized, preparation for the upcoming season will begin. |