Unfortunately, rainouts are a reality that we have to deal with throughout the season. The Executive will do their best to communicate all necessary information to you as quickly as possible. Please be aware of the following:

- Please join our Facebook page to keep up to date. We will post information there first.
- Do not assume that you don’t play until you see that YOUR game is cancelled via a Facebook post made by a member of the Executive. If a team doesn’t show up for a game it is considered a forfeit.
- The Executive will make a decision as soon as possible regarding pre-game cancellations. Our goal is to play games, but we will do our best to give everyone ample time to avoid an unnecessary trip to the diamond.
- Games can be cancelled at the diamonds before or during play due to unsafe playing conditions or adverse weather conditions.
- The Executive, Umpire(s), or Grounds crew may determine if the game(s) need to be cancelled.
- If a game is cancelled at the diamond, please understand we are acting in the best interest of player safety.
- In all scenarios, please be patient. We will do our best to handle the situation in a timely fashion.
Make-up Games
- When games are cancelled, the Executive will immediately start working on rescheduling them.

- It is a combined effort of the Executive, Umpires, City Staff, and the Team Representatives to make this a quick and efficient process.
- We could reschedule games as soon as the next Sunday.
- Team Reps need to be mindful of potential Facebook messages or phone calls and reply in a timely fashion.
- We have limited space, so games will be booked for 8:30 pm starts at the Complex.
- Other spots available include early and later starts at Gorman and Burwell.
- While we will do our best to accommodate teams with their new times, scheduling is not easy.
- If you are unable to make a make-up game you could be required to forfeit.
- We will contact Team Reps and post the new schedule on the Facebook page as soon as possible.
If you have any additional questions please contact a member of the executive for more information.
-8°Mostly Cloudy
7:22 am5:55 pm EST
Feels like: -17°C
Wind: 24km/h W
Humidity: 70%
Pressure: 1030.14mbar
UV index: 01 am2 am3 am4 am5 am
-7°C / -9°C
-2°C / -5°C
-4°C / -12°C
-10°C / -17°C
-11°C / -18°C

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